Banding weekend!
Great start to the new year in the bandroom for our senior band. The band were pleased to appoint the services of renowned MD Paul Holland who put us through our paces on this years WEBBA First section area test piece ‘Legacy’ by Tom Davoren.
Paul arrived in time for a full band rehearsal on Friday (31st Jan), then a full day of sectionals on Saturday which ended in a band social, which all that attended enjoyed very much. Sunday saw another 2 1/2 hour full band rehearsal before Paul returned back to Gloucestershire.
The band and Paul forged a strong relationship from the off and lots was achieved with everyone’s hard work. We hope to work with Paul again in the future , and we are really looking forward to playing this fine piece under our MD Aaron Harvey in March.
Check back for more info about this contest, where we hope to have an open rehearsal in the week leading up to the contest……….